Why do you need a Mini fun park at your event?
On 99 % of small events, there is food, drinks, and live music.
Big events always have luna parks, sports competitions etc.
Maybe big events become big because they have something more than normal ;)
Of course, it is expensive to get a Luna park on the island, so we offer something different.
Mini fun park available activities
Inflatable slide
Inflatable castle
Inflatable Fight on the gill
Pedal go-karts
Airsoft duel
Battle archery duel
Depending on location
Bubble football
Battle Archery
Tourists and locals like to see something for fun.
Parents are free to drink when kids have something to do.
Adults like to compete in everything.
And everybody likes to watch other people doing funny things.
And our mini-park offers all that.
But why you need us there?
Families will stay longer and come earlier to the event.
Adults who do something or compete in something will also drink and eat.
Everyone will have something to look for so they will have fun.
The event is not just night drinking, it can last the whole day if people have reason to come and something to do there.
We can add mini events
Fight on the gill competition for the prize
Footpool tournament
Pedal go-karts race for kids
Airsoft target shooting competition
Batlle Archery competition
Events can be free ( event paying for rent, staff, and organization) or charged to guests.
Short events - only night events
We are selling time on activities- mostly to families and silver people.
In this case, the event organizer pays full price for rent, delivery, staff, montage, and dementing of equipment.
We charge a minimum price to guests to keep order on activities.
For the price - contact us
1-day events
Depending on event type&location&size, we can charge partly for equipment from the event organizer and part from paying guests
For big events, we can charge only from guests.
If you want some of the Mini events to be free, the event organizer pays for that.
Multi-day events
2 or more days
Contact us with details and we can come for free, charging only to guests of activities.
Also, we will offer you a program of Mini events to add to the event program.
We do not recommend that activities are free, because that makes a big mess with kids.
Other types of events
( closed events)
Weddings- Corporate events etc
If you wish to offer your guest additional entertainment you can rent our mini-park with staff.
It is great for entertaining everybody in a pause of corporate events or to entertain kids at a wedding.
Price example - Stari grad wedding
Mini park rent 1 day with staff
( activities are free to use)
Transportation of equipment ( 2 ways)
Montage and dismantling on location
2 staff per 8 hours
Equipment rental
Footpool table
Fight on the gill inflatable
4 pedal go-karts
Airsoft duel game ( + spending material)
Battle archery duel game
7000 kn without tax.