We are opening Day events in Adventure park Hvar Jelsa from
June 25.06. 2017!
Maybe it is a bit early, usually we start in July to organize them, but let us see how many of you in preseason are interested :)
So what exactly are our day events?
That is the time in day when all people who don't have a group for playing paintball, splatmaster, battle archery, etc can come and play with people like them - individuals.
Of course, you can also be a group and come to event if you wish to play with bigger group of people :)
We recommend you to make reservation upfront, in pre and postseason because maybe it will not be enough players; and in season to make sure that you have place in the team.

Kids time
Tuesday and Thursday 17:30 h
Price: 100 kn per person
It is great for ,well of course, kids :)
They need to be at least 6 years old and understand Croatian or English language. If your child doesn't speak it, You are always welcome to stay and translate.
They play first 1-2 hours(depending on how many kids there are) mini tournament in
Splatmaster (paintball for kids)
Few different games like capture the flag,offense and defense, Deathmach, 3 Teams and they favorite, Free for all
After the game, they have shooting competition with Big paintball marker collecting points on 5 different stages.
Before the end they go on Human table football and play till they are too tired to continue :D
It is a great experience for them and they will remember it always because that will probably be they first time they did something like that.
And it is also great experience for you, because you will be free from your kids for few hours 😎
All games are completely safe and, yes, you can wash the color only with water
You can just drop in at park , but better reserve upfront because sometimes is too much kids, and sometimes not enough.
And on more thing, expect begging next few days to go again. The good thing is that we do it only 2 times on week ;)

Paintball Drop
Wednesday and Friday 18:00
Price: 180 kn per person
For everybody who wants to play but don't have enough friends here on Hvar to make a group
You can play it from 12-99 years
(yes 99 , our oldest player for now was 78 :)
From experience there is not to much kids from 12-15, and when they are , at least on parent play with them.
If it happens that there is enough kids and Adults , we make separate games ;)
Everybody here are usually beginners so you don't need to worry that other players will be better then you :)
All rules will be explained before the game.
We start with package 200 paintballs for everybody and play with it at least 4 games, after if anybody wants, he can buy more paintballs for play. (Its not funny when somebody gets advantage because he has more money to spend on paintballs then others 😎)
Our field is different then usual paintball fields, so this is unique opportunity for you to try it ;)
You will see many more times sea&sun , but first paintball game you will never forget ;)
Except great adrenaline game, you will also meet few people there and get friends from at least 2-3 countries all around the world ;)
The best thing is to book in advance if you want to be sure for your place in the team, but you can also drop in and try your luck ;)

Try it All
Sunday 17:30
100 kn per person
Well, the name say everything
You will try all of our games in park for short time
You will play 1 game of Battle archery (cca 5-10min)
Fight one time with Giant boxing gloves
Shoot few arrows on target
Make a lap with pedal buggys
Play 1 game of paintball with 20 paintballs (or Splatmaster, for kids below 12)
Play human table for 5 min
And after you have half hour to do what you want from boccie beach volleyball, badminton...
It is the best value for the money what you can get in our park.( even we think all of our packages are like that😎)
Our goal is that you try everything and choose something you want to do more, and you come next day again .
I dare you to try everything and don't come again on something you like the most :)

Battle Archery Drop in
(Archery tag)
Monday 17:30
90 kn per person
New game not only in our park, it is the new game in the world! Started before 2-3 years!
10 or more years for playing
No previous experience needed- all rules will be explained before the game.
Maximum 10 people on field in same time
It is something between dogeball and paintball
The goal is to shoot all players out or to score all 5 targets
One funny rule is if you catch arrow in air, the guy who has shot you is going out and your player going back in.
If paintball is too much for you but still you think it is funny, Battle archery is right choice for you ;)
And for last thing

Saturday special
Every week we will made some special event
It can be a tournament for kids or adults who participate in kids time or paintball drop in
For busy weeks maybe we will add here one more kids time or paintball drop in
Also expect discounts for this time , or some special games
We will try and with scenario paintball games like superhero , ball sealer, treasure hunt paintball,
All info about Saturday event you will find on our facebook page face2-3 days before .
First Saturday special 24.6
We will keep it simple
With any paintball, splatmaster or battle archery package you can choose 3 more activity for free!
Not including this 3.
Its for groups for Saturday 24.6 only.
If you already know when do you plan to come, book your place here .
Of course if you have group,
you can always book your private time and
have great fun in our Adventure park on Hvar,Croatia.